about me

Moon photo


I’m Julia Moon, a passionate author and the heart behind NeatGems.com.

I established this site to celebrate my passion for gems and to share everything I’ve discovered about the profound connection we can experience with these miraculous pieces of the earth. Born into a family with a rich legacy of gemology and spiritual exploration, my childhood was filled with teachings about the mysteries of gems, their historical significance, and their holistic benefits.

Having a naturally receptive and empathetic personality, I was drawn towards the energies of these gems from an early age. My personal journey with gemstones started as a tool to help me find grounding during periods of stress and discomfort. As I matured and began to traverse different walks of life, these gems became my steadfast companions, guiding me to find balance, clarity, and courage in every circumstance.

Moving from one city to another with my beloved collection has its challenges, and yes, it adds an extra weight to my luggage. But the comfort, resilience, and guidance they offer make every bit of this effort worthwhile.

Using NeatGems.com

While I am delighted to share my insights and experiences with you, I encourage you to trust your intuition and explore your unique relationship with gemstones. After all, our connections with gems are as diverse as we are. There isn’t a one-size-fits-all guide that can promise the perfect gemstone for your needs.

To give you an idea, when I grapple with apprehension or when there’s a significant event on the horizon, my hand always finds its way to the Lapis Lazuli, my personal comfort stone. By spending a little quiet time with it, it helps me to disentangle my thoughts and approach the situation more calmly.

But remember, your gem of comfort could be different from mine. It could be a smoky quartz, a garnet, or a moonstone that resonates with you. The method of using it could differ too; you might prefer to wear it as a jewelry piece or keep it in your pocket. There are countless gemstones, each with its own unique energy and countless ways to engage with them.

Finding your gemstone So, how do you find the right gemstone for you? Trust your intuition. If a particular gemstone captures your attention, explore it further. Try to feel its energy. Does it bring you peace? Invigorate you? Instill you with confidence or joy?

Your feelings are valid and are important cues. If after spending some time with a gemstone, you feel a positive shift in your emotions, it could be the right one for you. But if you feel discomfort or a drain of energy, it might not be the right fit.

Alternatively, you could start with an issue or aspiration you need assistance with, and then seek out the gemstones traditionally known to aid with that. For instance, if you need a boost of motivation, you could research gems like citrine or red jasper.

Throughout my blog posts, I’ll delve into the relationship between gemstones, chakras, elements, zodiac signs, and planets for those who want to dig deeper. But don’t be overwhelmed! Just start with understanding the general properties of a gemstone and let your intuition guide you from there.

For any queries or feedback about the site, feel free to contact me at [email protected].

Enjoy your journey with NeatGems.com, and let’s unearth the magic of gemstones together!

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